Bylaws Offences Lawyer Calgary
Government regulation comes in many forms, and any successful business or even homeownership requires compliance with a myriad of laws and administrative regulations intended to enhance the health and safety of the entire community. Bylaws might be as simple as how to discard a refrigerator safely, the ordinary licencing of a domestic cat or dog, the height of landscaping plants, or the permissible land use of a given property.
When you are suddenly served a summons for a bylaws offence, our lawyers are available to represent you throughout the municipal process to minimize interruption of your business or residency, and minimize fines.
What Are Bylaws in Calgary?
The City of Calgary lists all of its municipal regulations by topic. For example, these include:
- Appliances and refrigerators
- Addresses
- Businesses
- Building and structure maintenance
- Cats and dogs
- Cannabis
- Composting
- Election signs
- Fire hydrants
- Reservoir restrictions
- Graffiti
- Idling reduction signs
- Littering
- Lot grading
- Noise
- Outdoor lights
- Parking recreational vehicles within the city limits
- Parks and pathways
- Public behaviour
- Signage
- Smoke
- Snow and ice removal
- Stormwater
- Streets
- Trees and shrubs
- Truck routes
- Wastewater
- Water
- Weeds
- Yards
Airdrie maintains a similar list of categories of bylaws that impact doing business and living within the city limits.
Bylaw Offences We Tackle
With experience and knowledge of the municipal bylaws regulating government, business, and residency in Calgary at Bulwark Law, we can represent you in any administrative proceedings to get your business or personal life back on track with minimal interference by the local government.
Building Code: Building codes are specific to provinces and municipalities, and any land development or use of existing structures must comply with building codes. The Alberta codes are found here. These codes are necessary for the health and safety of any community and need to be observed to build, maintain, and safely use structures. To conform to provincial and municipal regulations, building codes require permits and interim inspections, submitting drawings for prior approval, building classifications, and energy conservation, among others. At Bulwark Law, our building code lawyers are here to defend you from any alleged violations.
Land Use: Land use categorizes land into five categories based on its use: agricultural, residential, industrial, mining, and recreational. To fully enjoy your property in business or personally, you must conform to land use regulations. Land use determines where you can legally operate a specific business and where specific forms of development might occur. Failure to comply with land use laws can result in business interruption, fines, and costly administrative proceedings.
Safety Codes: In Alberta, safety codes govern in ten separate areas and are intended, like all bylaws, to enhance the health and safety of the community. Our safety codes lawyers stand ready to assist you.
- Building
- Fire
- Plumbing
- Gas
- Electrical
- Elevators
- Amusement rides
- Passenger ropeways, such as ski lifts and ziplines
- Pressure equipment
- Private sewage disposal systems
What Are the Consequences of a Bylaw Offence?
A bylaw offence can delay land development, business operation, or even the peaceful use of your residence. When facing bylaw violations, you want to hire lawyers who know the applicable law and regulations and have experience with municipal officials. That’s Bulwark Law. We can represent you in all administrative proceedings, challenge municipal bylaws when they offend common standards, negotiate resolutions swiftly, and minimize expenses. Fines can be merely an annoyance or go as high as $5000 per offence.
How Can a Bylaw Lawyer Help You?
When facing administrative charges for bylaw offences, you want a bylaw lawyer who understands the regulatory scheme and all of the players, the provincial and municipal officials, with the authority to enforce bylaws and punish any violation. Whether facing a business or personal bylaw offence, a swift resolution will always be in your best interest. Delays in building and use of property can destroy the viability of a business or the peaceful use of a residence. You want your bylaw offence lawyer to find a solution that allows you to move forward with any project quickly and at minimal additional expense.
Contact Bulwark Law Today
The viability of your business venture, or full enjoyment of your residence, can depend on the experience and skill of your bylaw offence lawyer. Your defence of any bylaw violation can be handled with professionalism and savvy by the compassionate and skilled lawyers of Bulwark Law. We have a hard-earned reputation for fierce representation with integrity amongst judges and prosecutors in Calgary and throughout Alberta. Our full understanding of municipal law and regulations helps us to get the best results possible for our clients. Call us at 403 678 7360 or complete the contact form to arrange a free initial consultation.
Our Offices
Calgary Office
630 6 Ave SW Suite 520, Calgary, AB T2P 0S8
Airdrie Office
620 1 Ave NW Unit 4, Airdrie, AB T4B 2R3